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Testimonies and teachings: Pastor Ramin Parsa and evangelist Adam Hood: Gay prayed to God if he would go to hell? God answered. You tube 34:10. Strong ex-lesbian testimony from Charlene Cothran. You tube 21:12. Ex-student Kiana Kiwi-Dennis meets God in the mist of having a successful Gay Night Club that changes her life forever. You tube 22:11. Former homosexuals and children of LGBTs speak the truth! George Carnel has written the book "From Queer to Christ - My Journey Into the Light". One other who testifies is Moira Greyland. She has written the book "The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon". You tube 22:39. Such Were Some Of You. A Documentary inspired by the passage in 1st Corinthians 6:11 that declares that in Jesus’ day there was a population who had been so transformed by their relationship with Him that they were no longer "same-sex attracted" or at the very least, actively homosexual. You tube 2:09:25. Mar Mari Emmanuel: A Message To The LQBTQ. You tube 3:56. Homosexuality was my identity. You tube 8:51. Ex-gay hip-hop artist Jackie Hill-Perry never dreamed a new life was possible.
You tube 7:07. Dr. Julie Harren Hamilton about homosexuality. Human development is very complex. Very good lesson! You tube 38:23. Janet Mefferd shares a masterful understanding of the LGBT movement and it's objectives along with giving wisdom in how to answer the challenges with truth and kindness. Very good lesson! You tube 37:55. 1. Jesus & the Bible on Homosexuality.
You tube 17:18. I Want My Sex Back: Transgender people who regretted changing sex (RT Documentary). You tube 27:21. LGBTQ. Gay community, I won't love you to death. You tube 13:23. Ex-lesbian - The real truth. You tube 5:45. Tiara Moore - Powerful testimony of ex-lesbian. You tube 13:13. I was once a lesbian and Jesus saved me - Boy trapped in a girls body testimony. You tube 14:56. Can demons cause homosexuality? Ken Davies testifies: I was delivered from homosexuality! You tube 25:15. Lesbians gives a shocking confession in front of prophet Edd Branson. You tube 29:43. Deliverance from spirit of oral sex in a church service by prophet Ed Citronelli. You tube 3:19. Mary K Baxter: Warning for homosexuals. Homosexuals are going to hell. You tube 2:21. Ex-gay man turns away from wickedness / Heaven and Hell your choice. You tube 10:00. Lesbian dies and was taken to Hell! I saw what happened to homosexuals in the pit of fire. You tube 12:43. God helps gay man see that NO ONE is born gay. Testimony by Stephen Bennett. You tube 6:18. Original version from The 700 CLUB 10:33. "Daughter this (lesbian lifestyle ) is not what I have for you". Amazing testimony from ex-lesbian Sarita Fernandez. You tube 32:56. Why did God "make "me Gay? God said to me: "You are born into sin!" Kevin Swinton shares his testimony of deliverance from his Gay lifestyle. He has written the book "God Ordained Deliverance". You tube 23:09. Joe Dallas gives a testimony of his freedom from homosexuality and pornography. You tube 25:42. Emily Sattterfield: From "Christian" to Lesbian to Born-Again Christian. You tube 3:34. Ex-lesbian Melissa Fryrear - Testimony of Jesus Christ. You tube 5:21. Testimony by ex-lesbian Judy Guillart. You tube 7:10. Jeff Buchanan - Finding freedom from homosexuality in the Church. Kyrkan behöver stå upp och ha en röst om denna frågan och inte låta kulturen diktera vad den här frågan handlar om. You tube 17:10. Wanda Jo Spent 30 Years Living as a Man, Looking for Love. You tube 5:51. Doya Suhul: My ex-homosexual testimony. You tube, Part 1, 7:58. Part 2, 8:09. Part, 3 9:31. Transformed by Grace: Leaving Homosexuality to Follow Christ - Becket Cook. Becket Cook had fully embraced a flashy lifestyle - enjoying lavish parties with celebrities, working on photo shoots that took him around the world - and dating men. Get Becket's book, A Change of Affection. You tube 29:26. Further Conversations on Homosexuality with Becket Cook. To speak the truth in love. You tube 13:38. Annie Loebert - Confessions of a High-Class Prostitute. Annie talks about her years as a high class prostitute, how Jesus rescued her from certain death and what she is now doing to rescue those still trapped in that industry. You tube 22:31. Jesus is coming dream - Transgender and all sin! You tube 9:19. Sexual Fantasy Leads to Hell - Rod Pickens Frightening Dream. Jesus said: Repentance don't seem like it's a gift until it's taken away from you. It is time to wake up. You tube 13:47. Living the gay lifestyle while trying to be saved! Christian Foster shares her struggles with living a lesbian lifestyle. She has written a book "Her Life...Behind Closed Doors". Part 1, 20:36. Part 2, 21:54. Jesus delivers a student from the lesbian lifestyle. Testimony from ex-lesbian Christine Dixon. You tube 29:59. Jesus Christ saved David from 27 yars of homosexuality. Textat till svenska! You tube 33:34. Former LGBTQers Testify: If You No Longer Want to Be Gay or Transgender, You Don't Have to Be. Tidigare HBTQ-are vittnar: Om du inte längre vill vara gay eller transperson behöver du inte vara. CBN News You tube 16:37 200105. Breaking the Chains: From LGBT to Freedom in Christ. Despite what the mainstream media may report about the rise of the LGBTQ movement, the Freedom March proves that homosexuality doesn't have to hold anyone hostage. This remnant of believers knows freedom in Christ is possible for those who call upon the name of the Lord. Charisma September 2019. Transformed by Grace: Leaving Homosexuality to Follow Christ - Becket Cook. Han brukade tro att han var sexuellt befriad men faktiskt i sexuell träldom. Becket Cook hade fullt ut anammat en flashig livsstil - njutit av påkostade fester med kändisar, arbetat med fotografering som tog honom runt om i världen - och dejtade män. Ändå kände han sig tom inombords. Tills han stötte på en bibelstudiegrupp på sitt lokala kafé. När de bjöd in honom till kyrkan blev han chockad, men han tackade ja. Han hade ett radikalt möte med Gud, och i det ögonblicket visste Becket att hans liv aldrig skulle bli detsamma. Han har valt Guds kärlek framför ett liv i synd och uppmuntrar andra att göra detsamma. You tube 29:26 200309. Bill Muehlenberg, marrage and family advocate: The consequences of homosexual marriage. There is an ongoing assault on faith, freedom of speech and family today. The homosexual lobby insists that special right including marriage and adoption rights will not impact anyonel else, but everything changes when these rights go through. When governments confer special rights, that means corresponding obligations are placed on everyone else to see that these rights are fully implemented. On a dail basis we read of new assaults on faith and family. Those who disagree with the radicals' agenda are being fined, kicked out of work, and even put into prison. You tube 21:30. DEBATE: Is Homosexuality Consistent with New Testament Obedience? Dr. James White and Dr. Michael Brown debate Pastor Deweyne Robinson and Rev. Ruth Jensen-Forbell on the topic: Is Homosexuality Consistent with New Testament Obedience. This debate took place September 8, 2018 at Switzerland Community Church in St. Johns, Florida. You tube 2:45:41. Det går att bli fri från homosexualitet... ...hundratals HIV-positiva har även blivit HIV-negativa. Gerard van den Aardveg gjorde under åren 1968-1975 ett omfattande forskningsprojekt med 101 klienter inblandade. Klienterna var homosexuella som ville få en ändrad sexuell identitet. Hans forskning presenteras i boken "On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality". Closing the Closet: Testimonies of Deliverance From Homosexuality. Is Homosexuality Immutable? Can Gays Change? Former Homosexuals answer these questions through powerful testimonies of God's delivering power! Den grymma sjukdomen aids och dess utbredning. Gapminder HIV Chart 2009 over the World. ¤ Om homosexualitet var genetiskt betingat skulle det gradvis försvinna från genpolen därför att de homosexuella reproducerar sig inte lika ofta. Och över en längre tidsperiod skulle ingen vara homosexuell längre. ¤ Den här webbsajten behandlar i första hand homosexualitet, men heterosexuella synder är inte bättre än homosexuella synder.
"Bibeln är för homosexuella vad Mein Kampf är för judar" enligt gay-aktivisten Peter Tatchell i Gay Today. Tarchell liksom många andra homosexuella förstår tydligen inte att Hitler var en maktfullkomlig galning, men att Bibeln innehåller direkta citat från människans skapare som i Bibeln uppenbarar sanningar om sig själv och människans ursprung och destination.
Övriga länkar: Fakta, info och forskning, PDF-utgave av det 16 siders ressursbladet "Homofili og kristen tro" . Til Helhet. Organisationen vill stötta människor som brottas med oönskade sexuella känslor, samt jobba med frågeställningar i skärningspunkten sexualitet, samfund och teologi.. Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse. Statistik visar att homosexuella män som representerar mindre än tre procent av de vuxna männen, begår ett oproportionellt antal (upp till en tredjedel) av fallen av sexuella övergrepp mot barn. Columbia University psychiatrist Dr. Robert Spitzer has performed a study saying some highly motivated gays can change their sexual orientation. Spitzer har i undersökningen kartlagt 143 män och 57 kvinnor som försökt att överge sin homosexualitet. Av dessa hade 66 procent av männen och 44 procent av kvinnorna uppnått "bra heterosexuella funktioner". Men ett krav är att personerna är starkt motiverade för att lyckas. Moving Out of Homosexuality: Two Men Share What Science Now Supports. Out of Bondage: Helping Homosexuals Who Want to Change. 18-year old challenges pornography in Denmark. Homosexualitetens naturliga orsaksgrund drunknar i en massiv politisk kampanj som inbegriper utfärdandet av dogmer i syfte att skyla över smärtsamma fakta om homosexualiteten som presenterats i facklitteraturen under flera årtionden. I terapirummen däremot är verklighetsbilden en annan. Kulturen är den viktigaste faktorn i formandet av individens sexualitet. Homosexuella fantasier hos män har sin upprinnelse i en längtan efter en kärleksfull far. A M O S O - Avslöjande av myter om sexuell orientering. Charlene E. Cothran, a prominent homosexual activist and publisher and editor-in-chief of the black homosexual-oriented publication "Venus Magazine", announced that she had embraced Christianity and renounced homosexuality. XXXchurch is designed to bring awareness, openness and accountability to those affected by pornography.
15 Ex-Gays, Lesbians 'Come Out of Homosexuality' in Documentary Film. Christian Post 180206.
Bibelns syn på homosexualitet.
De flesta av dagens hälsoproblem hos vuxna grundläggs i barn- och ungdomsåren. Människors grundläggande värderingar, levnadsvanor, utbildningsnivå och andra förutsättningar för att lyckas bra i livet avgörs till stor del under barndom och ungdomstid. Dagens Nyheter 2006-03-07. Kan skilsmässa gå i arv? Ja, det finns ett samband, enlig en studie
som visar att skilsmässobarn skiljer sig dubbelt så ofta som barn med gifta föräldrar.
Risken är tredubbel i de fallen där båda makarna själva är skilsmässobarn.
Världen idag 2006-03-08. ![]() Skulle det finnas någonting som är felaktigt eller strider mot gällande lag på denna sidan så var god meddela mig så jag kan ändra på detta i så fall.
Till www.homosidan.se